Short summary
In 1937 author Novak Simic wrote the story
"Observation of Simeunovica and Ahmed Jusuf" on which the screenplay
for this film is based. The action in this film occurs at the beginning of the
19th century, in the vicinity of Sarajevo, where a group of bandits, led by
Harambas, captures merchant Simeun and his traveling companions. While Harambas
questions them, in search of ducats which the merchant Simeun allegedly has in
his possession, we, through the confession of those present, learn of the
history of young woman married to the aged and wealthy merchant Simeun, who, in
her husband's absence, becomes involved in a brief love affair. Fearing revenge
from people in the town as well as the penalties which were, for adulterers,
very brutal at that time - pulled apart through limns, being tied to horses -
she feigns "rage".
The husband, unhappy and in love, takes her to a herbal
healer, as well as to friar a monk and Moslem priest, where he fails to find
real help and salvation. On advice, in the end he goes to Ahmet Jusuf, an
ex-soldier, and experienced man who withdrew from the world, and whom people,
through a need to provide and explanation for everything, proclaimed a
miracle maker and "holy man". Ahmet, suspecting the truth about
the young woman, persuades the merchant to sell his riches and go with her into
the world, a great distance from the business district.
In this way , Ahmet Jusuf wished to save Simeunovica and
himself from temptation and long-dead emotions which the beautiful and young
woman, who, it seems, experienced true love for the first time, escape from her
destiny which was dictated by tradition and long -forgotten time.

Adem Cejvan
Merima Isakovic